Cars, electric and otherwise

Over on Charlie Stross’ blog, the eternal thread on ICE vs. EVs has surfaced. There are people who argue that we’re not ready, that we need the infrastructure, and a) many of the EV charging stations are frequently out of order; b) people plug in and walk away, and c) some of us can’t charge at home (you know, those who live in apartments, or only have a driveway, not a garage).

My solution is hybrid. It’s a mature technology, in terms of the driver, it operates exactly the same as an ICE, cuts down on emissions* while increasing milage… and those who can charge it by plugging it in can.

First counter I had was “many more parts, so more service.” I have a a 14 year old vehicle that I bought, used, in ’13. I have oil changes done every 3-4k mi (the one provably true religion)… and if I have to have something else done, it’s maybe once or twice a year. So, about all the extra maintenance?

Going to hybrid would also give the manufacturers time to ramp up battery production (and improve batteries, which is a big deal, right now), as well as for charging stations to become more ubiquitous. And maybe, just maybe, the US will do what the EU did with cell phone chargers, and mandate that they’re all the same (USB), not each OEM having their own unique charger, as they did until the EU jumped on them.

Now, if the government would give subsidies to buy a hybrid – not tax breaks, because some of us don’t pay enough in taxes for them to be of any use.

1 comment

  1. My neighbour has an electric. He plugs it in on his driveway. So that’s not impossible.

    FWIW, I think the parts/maintenance issue is a little larger than it might appear, for familiarity reasons, but it isn’t any worse than a conventional ICE vehicle. What it is, though, is worse than an EV.

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